The Creators of Recount Have a New Election to Talk About
There is a movie out there called Recount. There's a good chance that you haven't seen it. I don't know a whole lot of people who have. It wasn't a theatrically released film but rather a TV movie that aired on HBO back in 2008. So it's understandable if you don't know what I'm talking about. Understandable, yes, but it's a real problem if you haven't seen it. Because it's one of the most impressive movies that you've never seen. The movie presents a behind the scenes look at the 2000 election and the days following it where none of us knew who our next president was going to be. Almost none of the movie focused on the candidates themselves but instead centered around the managers of their campaigns as they both worked to figure out a way to get their preferred candidate to the White House. It's a great subject for a movie (and a bit of political theater that many of us remember playing out in real time back in 2000) and is as compellin...