The Hobbit: The Trailer

Ten years ago I went to the movies to watch Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Not having read the books at that point, I had no real special interest in seeing the movie other than my Dad wanted to watch it and I just really liked going to the movies. What followed were three of the most impressive hours that I had ever spent in a Cinema. The opening part of a trilogy that would span over the next couple of years and would help to define what it meant to be a modern epic. So it is fitting somewhat that now a decade later, almost to the day, we get our first glimpse at The Hobbit, the triumphant return to Middle Earth for Peter Jackson and company to tell the story of Bilbo, Gandalf, and the discovery of the one ring.

I won't do an overly detailed look at the trailer as I have with some of the other trailers in the past. There are those who are far more dedicated to the works of Tolkien than I, who have read the book again and again who will likely pick up on several things that I missed watching the trailer, but I will say this:

The trailer displays the feeling of epic storytelling on a grand scale that the original trilogy so mastered. Several shots in the trailer took my breath away, and that's just on the small computer screen. Imagine what they will look like on the Big Screen. I am, as I am sure many of you are, waiting impatiently for next December, so that I can once again go back to Middle Earth.


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