An overly detailed look at the new Star Wars Trailer

Once you've gotten into the double digits of viewing numbers on the new Star Wars trailer, it's time to really start breaking the whole thing down, and obsessing about every single frame. So lets get right to it why don't we?

The trailer opens up on a long pan shot of a desert planet that we are told is not Tatooine. And we see a crashed X-wing ship as well as a (much larger) crashed Star Destroyer.

It should be noted that this is not the updated X-wing we've been seeing in previous promotional material before now (and later in this same trailer) but rather this is a Battle of Endor era X-wing. The same can be said for the Star Destroyer assuming that the giant battleship we see later in this trailer is an updated Star Destroyer.

Next we get a good shot of what is unquestionably the remains of Darth Vader's helmet.

As we get this image the voice over of Luke says "The Force is strong in my family. My father has it." Not had by the way, but has as in the present tense. Now this is most likely just because it's the exact quote from Return of the Jedi at this point, but maybe it's a hit that Vader might not be as dead as the previous movies have lead us to believe.
Also, The helmet is clearly sitting on some sort of pedestal in this shot. Who would take that helmet and put it in a place of honor like that?

This is the image we see as Luke says "I have it." (talking about the force) so it's possible that this is a shot of Luke though we never get to see his face. This person does however, seem to be missing his right hand, and have replaced it with a robot hand. Although Luke had a much more natural looking robotic hand thirty years ago than this one is.

Finally we get the old generation to new generation handoff.

I didn't notice the first several times watching the trailer, but the hand holding the lightsaber looks like it may belong to an alien creature. And I would venture a guess that that's Vader's old lightsaber that's being handed off here.

These are the new X-wing designs that it looks like the current rebels will be flying during the movie. No idea what planet this is going to be, but now that we've found out the supposedly Tatooine planet is a completely different planet called Jakku, who knows what new world this might be.

Then we get a few quick shots of that new tri-saber in action...

As well as a pretty clear shot of the new villain's face. (I guess we don't know if it's a villain yet, but, red lightsaber you guys. Until determined otherwise, I'm assuming this is the new villain of Star Wars. 

By the way, I'm still not sure if the new sith lord here is fighting with the stormtroopers or against them. We could have a completely rogue sith for the heroes to deal with in addition to the remains of the empire that they're probably going to be fighting.

Is that Hoth? I don't want to jump to any conclutions here, what with that whole desert planet being Jakku now, but that looks like it could be hoth to me. Also...

Who are these mysterious figures up here that all the stormtroopers were listening to before they all got attacked?

 We next get a few seconds of a battle that seems to be going on in the hanger bay of a Star Destroyer (note the whole line of TIE Fighters over there just waiting for takeoff.) But I don't see any clearly rebel alliance forces here. It looks like there's just imperials with stormtroopers and Tie Fighters. Is somebody making an Episode IV style escape here? 

We also get another shot of the character Finn in stormtrooper armor. When he first appeared in armor in the earlier teaser trailer, there was speculation as to if he was a stormtrooper, or if he had just stolen the uniform. This could still be the case, but this looks like a completely different location and he's still in full uniform. Also for just a split second before he removed the helmet, you can see a bloody hand print on the face of the helmet.

A shot of the updated Star Destroyer design.

And then a chase scene between the Falcon, and a TIE fighter. It looks like the Falcon, is flying straight into a engine on an abandoned, downed Star Destroyer. In fact, it could even be the same Star Destroyer that was at the beginning of the trailer. 

And then we end the trailer with that final beautiful shot, that shows us after all these years, Han and Chewie still got it. The moment that sends chills up and down the spines of Star Wars fans worldwide. Now, it can be just be right? The set up of that shot, camera angle, lighting, that was clearly supposed to envoke a moment from 30 years ago right?

What do you think about the new trailer. What tiny bits did you pick up on that you want to know more about?


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