Top 30 Muse Songs (15 - 11)

We're mere days away from Muse's new album Drones being released and it's time to see which of their songs cracked the top half of our list.
If you missed the previous installments or need a refresher: 26-3021-2516-20

15. Undisclosed Desires
I remember when they first released this song, it had a lot of fans scratching their collective heads because it felt like a vast departure from what we were used to with Muse. In time, we embraced the song because it's Muse and we appreciate the risk. The song ultimately seemed to lay the ground work for Madness on the next album.

14. Citizen Erased
It's been a fan favorite for a long time and, according to the band, they're apparently not done with the idea. Bellamy did an interview where he said that a song called The Globalist from their upcoming album is a sequel to Citizen Erased and is "a ten minute prog nightmare - which is about the rise and fall of a dictator." That sounds like it's worth the price of the album alone.

13. Hoodoo
Another one of those ultra dramatic songs that I tend to love alongside songs like Apocalypse Please, Take a Bow and Micro Cuts.

12. Time is Running Out
This is a bit of a tangent about a different band but I swear it's relevant. When Foo Fighter's front man, Dave Grohl, was interviewed about recording their song Enough Space, he saw other bands at festivals playing songs that made the crowd jump up and down the entire song and he wanted a song that'll do that as well. So as he was first recording for that song, he would bounce up and down for the right tempo. Sure enough, it did the trick. Time is Running Out is just a tick slower tempo but has that same feel especially at the chorus. The video for this song is a special one because it includes the infamous "Matt Bellamy perfect circle shuffle." Enjoy

11. New Born
I feel really bad about this song just missing out on the top 10 but it's still ridiculously awesome.

Come back to Irrelevant But Awesome tomorrow and we finally get into the top 10!


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