Everybody's Gone to the Rapture Playthrough

If you're subscribed to our YouTube channel, you've noticed that we've been posting a new gameplay video every day this past week of Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. It's really a simple game but it does that simple so well that it's astonishing. It's a game I've been putting off for months simply because I didn't know what it was and now that I do know, I find it hard to explain. But I finally went through it in one night last weekend and enjoyed the experience that I immediately played it again the next day to record it for the IBA YouTube. It's visually stunning which it would have to be considering it's almost exclusively landscapes with the light recordings taking a vague human shapes. The biggest MVP of this game has to be the audio, both the audio engineering as well as the breathtaking soundtrack (one of my better iTunes impulse buys, by the way).  Of course, be prepared for some slow moments between major plot points due to the game mechanics and the inability to walk faster than a stroll. However it's perfect for you filthy casual gamers (of which I include myself in that category) seeing as how the controls just consist pointing which direction you want to walk, hitting a button (really, any button) with an object every once in a while and tilt your controller to activate the bigger light moments (you'll see when you play). Ultimately, I think the plot is interesting enough to make up for the slow moments and honestly, I found myself speculating where the plot is going next during those slow moments. So if you couldn't guess by now, I highly recommend playing this game if you get the chance and can't decide between watching a movie or playing a video game because Everybody's Gone to the Rapture feels like both. But if you'd rather watch somebody else play the game, you're in luck because below is the playlist containing the entire playthrough.


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