Ant-Man Post Credit Scene Explained (or at least discussed)

Like all of the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it was necessary to sit through the credits of Ant-Man to get a sneak peak of where Marvel was planning to go, moving forward with their movies. It's becoming more and more common now to not have just one, but two different credit scenes, on in the middle of the credits, and one at the very end. So lets take a look at both of the scenes.

Obviously, spoilers for Ant-Man will be in this post. Scene #1: The mid credit scene is of Hank Pym telling his daughter that he's finally ready for her to take more of an active roll in their field work. Then he reveals a Wasp suit and we end with Hope saying "About damn time."

Its fairly straightforward here, and it seems clear that Hope will be suiting up to fight alongside Scott in future Ant-Man movies if there are any (which there probably will be). It's interesting to note however, that in the comics, Janet is the character who usually portrays the Wasp. As in Janet, the character who shrank too far in the movie where we learned that you could come back from that. As in Janet, the character who's face was obscured whenever she was seen so that it would be very easy to cast the role for future movies. But whoever it is that is supposed to wear the costume, The Wasp was one of the founding members of The Avengers in the comics and it is in fact "about damn time" that we got to see her on the screen.

End Scene # 2: It looks like Captain America and Falcon have finally found Bucky, but they seem to be at something of a loss as to what they should do now. They can't contact Iron-Man because of something called The Accords, though if this had happened a week ago, that wouldn't have been an issue apparently. The clip ends with Falcon telling Cap that he "knows a guy" and the promise that Ant-Man would return.

Ok, so there's a bunch to digest here, with the biggest thing being what exactly the "Accords" might be. We don't exactly know but there are hints in the storyline of the upcoming Captain America movie. We know that the third Captain America film will involve the Civil War plot line from the comics which involves The Superhero Registration Act, which says all superheroes must register with the Federal government, essentially making them federal agents, and register their secret identities as well.

Well, the Marvel characters in the movies don't really have any secret identities, at least none of the ones introduces so far do (with perhaps the new addition of Ant-Man being the lone exception) but it's still likely that Civil War will address who's responsible for the actions that Superheroes take in the name of saving the world, and who is to be held accountable for the aftermath (like an alien invasion of New York, or a whole city being dropped from the sky) This is something that it looks like our main heroes will disagree on, with The Accords being the MCU version of the Registration Act, the side that Tony supported in the comics.

It this scene feels like it's already in the middle of a movie, that's because it is. Much like how the post credits teaser for Iron Man 2 was just a scene ripped from the middle of Thor, it turns out this scene is taken directly from Captain America: Civil War, to mark the point where Ant-Man will be introduced into the story. Perhaps it will be cut slightly different, but apparently that same basic scene is expected to appear in the movie next year. Until then we can only speculate on what might happen.


  1. Click losmovies watch movies online free now. As the audience was eagerly anticipating the power of Janet van Dyne, she immediately vanished. But the disappearance of Hope van Dyne / The Wasp really left a big question mark, as Evangeline Lilly had confirmed she would be in the Avengers 4. And Kevin Feige - director of Marvel Studios - emphasized that the Warriors of Ong plays an important role in the next blockbuster.

    Is it possible for Ant-Man to be trapped in Quantum Cosmology again, to help him find a way back into the past and help superheroes overtake Thanos? How does gender quantum relate to the Infinity Stone that the "crazy Titan" holds? All can only be answered in Avengers 4.

    Not to mention, the fate of Ghost at this point is also unclear. She was restored by Janet van Dyne, but it turned out to be a temporary solution. Otherwise, Ant-Man did not have to keep looking for "molecules healing" in Quantum Remedies to help the girl in bad numbers. It is not clear if Ghost will dissolve after the snatch of Thanos, or she will be back in Avengers 4.

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