Top 30 Muse Songs (16-20)

Our countdown leading to Muse release their newest album Drones on June 8th continues. If you've missed the last ten songs, you can catch up by clicking here: 30-2625-21

Let's get to the top 20!

20. Invincible
The top 20 opens with a song that makes you feel like you can take on the world like a knight that's riding a dragon, trying to save a small village from the burning meteors showing down from the heavens while on a second dragon, you're joined by Matt Bellamy who's playing his guitar like that guitar guy from Mad Max: Fury Road. You get to the guitar solo just when you reach the aliens that sent the meteor attack and you battle, cutting them down left and right. It's at that moment, you notice that they fire a giant meteor at Matt's dragon and so you swoop down and colliding with the giant flaming rock and falling to the ground below. As the dust settles, Matt Bellamy kneels down to place a hand on your shoulder. Right before you draw you last breath, Matt says, "you legacy is secure, mate." Not that I had that dream before or anything...
Or, you know, it's just a really good song, right?

19. Supremacy
A pretty great song to start an album off with, am I right?

18. Dead Star
Muse has a vast library of B-side songs, Dead Star is from their super early days and is the only B-side that makes our list because it seems to be THE one that is universally liked by Muse fans. Muse performances of this song are few and far between so if you happen to hear them play it, it's a pretty rare occurrence.

17. Survival
Muse told us all that they were approached by the Olympics in 2012 for a song since the games were in London and they simply had this song planned and recorded before then. I'm a bit skeptical because it feels more like it was very much tailor-made for the Olympics. And that isn't a knock on the song, I love it and, for once, I was actually excited to watch the closing ceremony because they announced Muse was performing. But of course, their performance was cut from the USA telecast and they had to pretend-play anyway (something Muse is notorious for not taking very well). Regardless of all that, this is a great song to get amp'd up to.

16. Madness
Truthfully, I wasn't a huge fan of this song BUT I do appreciate what this song did to increase their popularity, especially here in the states. Honestly, for a while it felt like this song was just about on every radio station. I had friends who I thought never even heard of the band coming up to me saying, "you like that Muse band, right? I just heard Madness and that it was amazing." A lot of people tend to get protective over their bands but here's how I see it: the more popular they get in this country, the more likely they'll tour more in my area and I'll get to see them more. So that's why I'm here, to spread the good news about Muse. I'll be going door-to-door with pamphlets next week.

Check back at Irrelevant But Awesome tomorrow for 15-10


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