Long Overdue Oscar Report

The Academy Awards happened a full half week ago and no one has yet to jump on this juicy bit of nerdy exciting news! I am disappointed, friends. That is okay, though. (Especially considering that two of our very own Awesomites have found themselves with REAL blogging jobs! more on that in a minute) It just means that it falls to me! Bwahahahaha!

Anywho, let's get a-crackin!
Let's start with the categories I know nothing about and care even less about: the documentaries. Now I am sure the winners were deep and meaningful and were able to capture the situations and subjects with the most critical of eyes. But let's be honest. Raise your hand if you saw any of them. So congratulations Inside Job and Strangers No More. Whatever you were about.

In related news, the foreign language film category is one I know very little about. Here again, I am sure that the award is justly deserved. I just don't know on what grounds... Bravo, In a Better World.

Next are the short films. While I do know more about this category, I still haven't seen all of them and to really judge a short film against the others, you need to actually see them all. You can't really abbreviate a short film... This being said, both the animated the Lost Thing and live action God of Love are brilliant and well done.

Now onto some things I know a little more about. First, Make-up. Although I never actually got to see the Wolfman and from what I heard, it was not that great of a movie, I do know that it takes guts to take on a werewolf movie. There are so few good ones out there and most of that comes from the crappy make-up and effects that ruin them. The clips and trailers I have seen of this film look fantastic , from the creature itself to the wounds and scars and everything. I think this was an easy win.

The visual effects and cinematography categories were also very well chosen. There were a lot of good films this year with mind blowing graphics and camera work. But by far, Inception was truly in a league of its own. As far as Costume design and art direction, the only film that could have won is Alice in Wonderland. The craziness of Wonderland itself handed them these two awards.

Music is very near and dear to my heart. I love music and all of its qualities. And music in film is something I have studies fairly extensively. The way a movie is scored is exceedingly important. And I feel that a score should be just that, original orchestral music used to provide background, setting, mood, and tempo for a film. Hans Zimmer, the genius who has brought us more movie scores than I think you realize (seriously, go look him up. it's amazing!) should have clenched this one firmly with the intense BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAH that we have all grown to love. I do not feel like the Social Network had as much of a creative or enchanting score. It had a lot of good popular music plugged into it but I felt like it lacked originality.

However, where the Academy missed the point on music, it made up for by giving Inception both sound editing and mixing. The immersive and surrounding sounds of flying through the dreamscape really drew the audience into this alternate reality.

Original song was a strange category this year. On one hand, you have a goofy looking actress singing some crappy country tune. Next we have a slow, typical Dinsey Alan Menken love song. After that, a song with lyrics written by Dido (is she even still alive??) to accompany a man cutting his own arm off and asking what he should do "if he rises". And then there is Randy Newman reprising his role in the Toy Story franchise. I suppose he was a shoe-in.

The writing awards could have gone to no other movies but The Social Network and The King's Speech. There really was no other choice. They both made full use of the actors' voices and made the viewer believe every little thing that was uttered. Likewise, The King's Speech had no contest for the directing award. I felt like Black Swan could have had a good chance if Tom Hooper weren't in the running.

Another award The Social Network won hands down was for film editing. The editing of that movie really moved it. It could have been horribly boring but they were able to keep it and hold it together.

As far as Animated feature went, I never got to see How to Train Your Dragon but I have been told it was super cute and very well done. One of the best ever put out by Dreamworks. However, I don't think that even that praise can trump the success Pixar has had with Toy Story 3. Crazy awesome story and, of course, cutting edge animation. Brilliance!

The performance awards: The Fighter is not one that I have seen but I have heard that it is intense and moving and that all of the actors did phenomenal jobs. I would assume that these assessments are correct seeing as it got both supporting actor/actress awards for Christian Bale and Melissa Leo. Although I think Geoffrey Rush was incredible as Lionel in The King's Speech. but whatever.
Leading actress award should go to Natalie Portman every single year, whether she's been in any movies or not. That is my opinion. Even though Black Swan was wickedly amazing. She made that movie from top to bottom.
Leading actor award, likewise, was given to the very best performance I have seen in a film all year. Colin Firth, his performance left me speechless (no pun intended). He was fantastic.

Lastly, the grand mac-daddy of them all, Best Picture. This was a hotly contested choice this year, at least in the circles I heard. Most of the noise I had been hearing was for the horribly popular the Social Network. It was a great film, I must be honest. I thought it was going to be dull and kinda dumb but It pulled together as a decent film with humor and drama and Justin Timberlake, so who's complaining? However, I just for the first time tonight, saw The King's Speech and I can absolutely understand the Academy's decision on this one. It was beyond brilliant. Nothing spectacular in visuals or editing but the story was amazing, the dialogue was spot on and the acting was sublime. I completely agree on this one.

This is my humble opinion. I am not at all a media studies major, like so many of the other Awesomites. I just like good movies. If you feel so opinionated, please leave comments telling me if you agree/disagree/just feel like arguing!


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