The Great West Wing Rewatch: 6.7 "A Change Is Gonna Come"

Joel: A very delicate diplomatic situation almost falls apart in this episode but who cares? Bernard is back! Without question Bernard is the most entertaining cameo character to appear on the show and I’m thrilled that we got to see him again. I would gladly watch an entire spinoff series where he catalogues and critiques any and all items given as gifts to the White House. I’m almost a little disappointed that Charlie ended up getting the upperhand in the end. I mean I know it’s important for Charlie to get the flag back, but it’s so enjoyable to see Bernard’s disdain for those who disagree with his world’s view. 
On another note, this was an amazing way to introduce the next leg of the MS storyline that we’re about to get into. We know that in the past, Bartlet has intentionally made political gaffes that have worked out in the long run. For example when he accidentally on purpose spoke candidly about his opponent's intelligence during his re-election campaign. This feels set up to be a similar situation even to the point where an on screen character suggests that Bartlet accepted the flag on purpose to get his point across. Only in the final minutes do we learn that it was a total accident, and one that was a result of the effect MS was having on his body. It’s a scary harbinger of things to come over the next storyline.

Chris: Did it make any sense for Bernard to have this new position in the White House? Absolutely not but it was still good to have him back for another episode to have a battle of whits against Charlie. The major theme for this episode was the growing clamoring for power once Bartlet is out of office and that's just in the democrat party. Rumors of Baker and Hoynes jumping into the race is enough to make the VP and Will paranoid and try to insert the VP into any photo op they could possibly get him in even if it makes little to no sense for Russell to be involved in. Also, this hammers the point that Josh is very much unsatisfied with the presidential options before him. Josh has had flat out disdain for Russell, he flatly rejects Hoynes' offer and has shown no interest in Baker. Of course, Josh wants Santos but Santos wants to leave politics altogether. And finally, we have Bartlet admitting to the First Lady that he accepted the flag because he didn't see it due to his MS, The look of terror on Abby's face is an amazing bit of acting and a great turn-around from her reaction to the MS episodes earlier in the series.

A good president recognizes any country he wants as long as they bring him a flag.


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