The Full Spectrum - The Dear Hunter's Yellow EP
The Dear Hunter - Yellow EP
The mood lightens up even further with Dear Hunter's most gleeful EP in the Color Spectrum starting with the blissful and cheery "She's Always Singing" which is ringing with happy innocence. And musically, that continues through the remaining songs although I would argue that innocence is lost a bit lyrically in the final Yellow song "Misplaced Devotion" and it's seemingly about a guy convincing a girl to cheat on her significant other. Sure, it sounds like the significant other isn't a good fit but still, it leans more towards blissful ignorance than anything else. Perhaps that's the theme of the EP, youthful emotions that lead to actions, some of said actions aren't the smartest but there's nothing malicious about it and innocent in intent. "She's Always Singing" is that lovely song in your head when you fall in love with someone for the first time, "Dead Don't Starve" is when your first love really gets under your skin for the first time and you start to realize that maybe this isn't for the best but you don't want to give up. "A Sua Voz" is after the inevitable breakup yet your somehow still drawn to what was great about the relationship, causing you to forget about all the negatives. And finally, "Misplaced Devotion" is the rebound with someone that you shouldn't be rebounding with but you're not exactly thinking with your brain because where's the fun in that? It's not a perfect analysis of Yellow but everything is a little bit more fun with a visual, what you hear may invoke a different mental image and perhaps it's a bit telling about my brain but that's the beauty of music, isn't it?
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