The Full Spectrum: The Dear Hunter's Orange EP

The Dear Hunter - Orange EP

A few reviews back I described how The Dear Hunter has a sound quality that feels "warm"  and that remains to be the constant that continues through all of their albums, regardless of the specific genre each color is suppose to represent. Orange, as one might expect, leans into that warm sound a little further. However, the overall impression I get from this particular EP is a more laid back, bluesy jam session that finds its way into all four of the songs, especially towards the end. Each track gets at least one moment of unstructured brilliance that feels like a long, relaxing drive to nowhere in-particular while the sun sets, I'm making the assumption that's where the Orange color kicks in with all this. I've overlooked this set of songs many times in the past mostly because it has the bad luck of following the best EP in the Spectrum. However, don't overlook Orange too much because even though we haven't quite made it to the relaxing portion of the spectrum, there's a certain calmness that comes with listening to Orange that I thoroughly recommend each of you to experience.


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