Summer of Netflix Day 60 - Rubber

Chris: There’s so much nonsense in this movie that it’s almost surprising but it’s not because they flat out tell you at the beginning there’s no real point to it all as it’s an homage to “no reason.” Rubber is a mixture between experimental and whatever Charlie Kaufman must think about whenever he’s taking a long bath. Basically, it’s a feature length movie where they try their best to treat a tire like a person even with camera angles. Although the one revelation I had while watching this movie is that it made me feel encouraged about my own future film career. Seriously, if the idiots involved in Rubber could get their film made then why can’t my dumb ideas be made into fairly successful movies? It’s quite a lovely thought to come to and that’s the one thing I am thankful for with Rubber.
Everything about this movie makes it the dumbest thing I’ve ever sat and watched in it’s entirety (get it? en-tire-ty? I’ll let myself out).

Joel: I don’t think I can do a movie review of Rubber, in much the same way I can’t really do a movie review of a can of pineapple or bridges. Like bridges and pineapple Rubber isn’t really trying to be a movie. It’s really just enough things happening on film until the runtime is that of a feature length movie. I might be tempted to say that it’s an experimental film, but even in that case, experimental filmmakers are usually trying to say something with their art and Rubber really isn’t. (Unless you can say that going out of your way to say nothing is saying something.) Watch it if you want. It’s about a tire that kills people with it’s mind. Some other people are watching it from a nearby mountain with binoculars. If you want to watch a movie about a tire that kills people this is probably the best one out there. Just don’t expect things to tie up with any sort of reason or solution at the end. There isn’t one.


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