Jon Stewart Will Host WWE's Summerslam

It didn't take Jon Stewart very long to find a new gig, did it? The former Daily Show host was announced today that he will be hosting this year's Summerslam, one of WWE's biggest events of the year. The pro wrestling sports entertainment show will be held in the Barclay Center in Brooklyn, NY and will be the first Summerslam in quite a few years not to take place in Los Angeles. Stewart and his son are well-know wrestling fans, goes out of his way to make various pro wrestling references on Daily Show and even appeared on an episode of Raw after WWE World Heavyweight champion Seth Rollins insulted Stewart on an earlier episode and that clip went viral. Stewart and Rollins buried the hatchet in the Stewart's final week as host of The Daily Show but, who knows if that hatchet will stayed buried on August 23rd.

As a big wrestling fan, I'm always a bit weary anytime WWE brings somebody from outside of the "business" to host of their events (we've been hurt by WWE before. Jeremy Piven calling Summerslam "Summerfest" rings a bell #NeverForget). However, anytime WWE brings in a celebrity that's a legitimate fan tends to be a fun time and those tend to be the hosts that are excited to be involved and not worried about plugging projects.

To add to the star appeal, Summerslam will also feature a match that will involve Arrow's lead actor Stephen Amell.

If you're not a wrestling fan, would Stewart's addition interest you into tuning in? Wrestling fans, how do you feel about this? Comment below or tell us on twitter (@IBAStudios).


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