Summer of Netflix Day 41 - Zoolander

Joel: There’s a point in the movie where the great conspiracy is being uncovered that Zoolander asks “But why male models?” David Duchovny then goes on to explain the whole conspiracy and at the end Zoolander again asks “But why make models?” Supposedly, Ben Stiller (who also directed the movie) had forgotten his next line and was taking the scene back to that point to reshoot it, but the fact that Duchovny’s reaction to getting the same line twice works in the final movie as well as it does gives you a good idea of how doofy of a movie it is. So much of this movie shouldn’t work. But somehow when it all comes together on screen it actually does. It must be the unfailing confidence that Stiller and company had in their jokes. Anything less than 110% commitment to this stupidity and it would have been a terrible movie. But everyone committed full tilt and we ended up with this little minor miracle of a comedy.

Jason: Oh what can be said about Zoolander? Let’s start by saying that this is one of Will Ferrell’s only roles I have ever liked him in. And Owen Wilson, too, for that matter. Now that we have THAT out of the way.
To have come out so long ago, it still surprises me how many people say they have never seen this movie. At this point, it has become a classic. It’s just so disappointing when I make some reference, like when “Relax” come on the radio and I start doing karate and ranting about killing the Malaysian Prime Minister, or when I tell people how good of a eugoogalizer I am, and they give me that blank “I have no idea what you’re saying to me right now” stare.
I won’t even try to talk about this movie’s technical merits. I enjoy it for the sheer stupid humor and schadenfreude of watching someone who is too dumb to breathe take on the struggle of being really, really, ridiculously good looking. The timing on the jokes is fast paced. There are very few downtimes in the dialogue and sometimes, you spend so much time laughing, you’ve missed the next two jokes. This is comedy done right.
I hear whispers that there is a sequel in the works. I don’t know how to feel about that… One can only hope…

Chris: This is the perfect example that shows difference between Adam Sandler movies and movies made by people that know how movies and comedy Ben Stiller. It’s a male model that gets brainwashed to become a political assassin. The premise sounds like it would be a bad Sandler movie (along the lines of Zohan or something) but instead, it’s a humorous Ben Stiller movie that doesn’t try to be something it’s not. Sandler tries really hard to put some heart in each movie but the problem is, you can’t fake that and so Stiller doesn’t even try all that much and stays focused on the comedy and the ridiculous. This was the first time I had ever seen Zoolander and I always was on the receiving end of a number of sideways glances when it was revealed that I hadn’t seen it. It’s a movie that has a strong cult following much like a select few Will Ferrell movies. Perhaps I just missed the boat but I don’t get that cult following but then again, I don’t get the following behind Donnie Darko either. Sure, it’s a good comedy and I enjoyed it but I’m not itching to see it again or quote it in casual conversation. Although that last point might be due to years and years of listening to friends quote and reference the movie ad nauseum, much like everybody (including me) thought they could do a good Bane impression.

Your Viewing Homework for Tomorrow: Super


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