New Dragon Ball Series on it's Way

For the first time in 18 years, there will be a new TV series set in the Dragon Ball universe.

This new chapter of the Dragon Ball Saga begins with a new movie (That will be known as Resurrection F when it's released in the US.) which will bring the return of Frieza.

But what may be most exciting of all is that it's been revealed that this new series (called Dragonball Super) will take place after the Majin Buu storyline, which means, for those keeping score at home, that the new series will wipe the slate of Dragon Ball GT, a series that had no imput from the original creators and was, generally disliked by the fans of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z.

Right now we don't have much of a timeline on when things might start coming out, but we do know that Resurrection F was released in Japan this past April, and it also had a premiere of the english dub in Los Angles. The english dub is expected to be released in North American theaters some time in the Summer of 2015.

After that we all wait eagerly for the new Dragon Ball episodes that are headed our way.


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