Turtles Get A Reboot as Well

When the Thundercats reboot was announced, I tried very hard to keep a positive outlook on the whole thing. Sure the character designs were different but there was no reason to assume that that would be a bad thing. And who knows, with no real reason to hate it yet, why not be excited about the whole thing. At least for now.

Well now we have a new reboot. Another great show, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are getting another show next year. This isn't the first time the show has been retooled. After the original version of the cartoon (and still the best version) there was a live action version of the show (which only lasted a season) and there was another cartoon that started in 2003, which I found surprisingly good.

With this new reboot I want to once again be optimistic. So far there is more good Ninja Turtles material than bad and until I am proven wrong, why shouldn't we all look forward to this show? Thats what I want to think anyway. However Entertainment Weekly has a promo video that can be viewed here.

I can't say that I'm overly thrilled with this look for the turtles. and Its not just the CG look over the drawn animation because I didn't mind the TMNT movie in 2007. Just something about these versions of the Turtles looks off.

Now it is still very early in the process. The show isn't even scheduled until some time in 2012 so there is still time to expand on this very small promo. I just hope that any future material we see from the show will calm my fears.


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