My New Project!

So by now you know that I am a huge Star Wars nerd/geek/fanatic. Well, I have finally decided to take the next step in the relationship. I am joining the Mandalorian Mercs. Don't know who they are? check this out:
In order to be an official member, I have to have my own set of beskar'gam (that's Mandalorian armor). I have always wanted my own armor but was afraid for years that it would require me to learn the time consuming and expensive art of vac forming. After doing some browsing through the tips and tricks section of the Merc's forums I found a tutorial showing how to make beskar'gam out of plastic storage totes! I ran outside and, to my supreme joy, there were two sitting in our storage room, completely empty. I snatched them up, printed out templates and got to cutting!
So here are some shots of the progress so far.
These are the first pieces cut out of green paper
Here are the templates transfered onto one of the buckets
These are the first pieces all cut out of the bucket and arranged.

I still have several pieces to cut out (back armor, grieves, cod piece) and then it's on to the fun part. I have to put the plastic in the oven to heat so that I can shape it to conform to my body. I am going to have to purchase a helmet and mod and repaint it to match my armor. I will also most likely have to buy bracers. They would be pretty tricky to fabricate on my own. I also need a flight suit and flac vest but there is an Army surplus store out here so that shouldn't be too bad. When all is said and done, I want it to look like this
The design will probably change somewhat during fabrication but I do like the black/grey/gold combo going on there.

I shall keep you all updated on how the project is going and I will definitely let you know when I become and official Merc! Woo! I'm excited!!


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