My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Oh yeah, I'm gonna sit around and talk about ponies now. Brace yourself. I assume that most of the internet has seen something from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic by now. At the very least, this awesome chart has been circulating around a lot. Now, I didn't immediately buy into the hype. Don't get me wrong, I'm as girly as girly comes. But my taste in TV isn't always so full of sugar and rainbows. I watched the original MLP cartoon as when I was little, rented on VHS mostly. The only value I really saw in it was the fact that the protagonists' name was Megan and that she was friends with ponies. And ponies, to any little girl, are so awesome.

So when a new series came out, I was a little suspicious. Cartoons since the golden age of the 90s (as us kids who grew up in the 90s remember them) have not been all that great, certain amazing exceptions aside. Needless to say not every cartoon can be Phineas and Ferb or Adventure Time. But I thought I'd give it a shot. So I sat down and watched an episode. ...and another. ...and another. Until I had watched all the current episodes that existed and I totally wanted to watch more.

The character designs weirded me out a little, but MLP designs haven't really looked much like ponies pretty much ever. Moving around and doing silly things like carrying stuff with their mouths and wearing saddle bags on their backs makes them more believably pony-like. The animation is cute, clean, and colorful, which is nice. I'm a sucker for lots of color in animation. It's animated, might as well make everything bright damn purple. The jokes are actually legitimately funny, the story lines are not the most original but still fun and enjoyable, and the characters are easy to like.

Guys, this is a legitimately awesome show about rainbow colored ponies with pictures on their butts. Not even lying. Go watch it. If you need any more convincing, go read about Derpy Hooves.


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