Muse = Space Rock Gods?

As its no secret to my fellow Awesomites, I'm probably the biggest Muse fanatic arguably on the east coast if not the US. I'm not saying that to brag as my love for them has probably reached unhealthy levels and this may or may not be a call for help. Anyways, I came across this bit of news featuring the band and my brain almost exploded from the possibilities. In an interview with UK's The Sun, Muse frontman Matthew Bellamy expressed interest in one day playing a gig in space and is even considering approaching billionaire Richard Branson to facilitate the "mission."
My nerd side is just giddy at the idea of any band playing a gig in space (although the question of "How" keeps popping up) and add the fact that its one of the most exciting and innovative bands of our current generation (as well as my personal favorite, not sure if I've mentioned that) and we have the possibility of something epically awesome on various levels.
I know the realistic chances of this happening in the near future are slim to none but a man can dream!
You can find the original article at

Here's an idea at what it might be like:


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