Epic poetry

Something amazing just happened. At the house of Joel, John, and Sam, something so amazing it can not be described in simple prose happened. When something this life altering happens there is only one way to describe the event with any justice. And that is with Epic poetry.
Based on The Sexless Innkeeper by Barney Stinson

‘Twas the night before Friday
and the weather was cold
It had snowed just this Tuesday
A whole hell of a load.
We were all stayed inside
it was just after ten
with the warmth of computers
and ESPN
But the night took a turn
at that very late hour
When without any warning
we lost all our power
Upset though we were
and reasonably so
We tried calling Duke
just to let them know
But try though we might
We could not get through
So we hung our heads
What were we to do?
When Chris called we told him
Of what we had learned
But he said he’d come over
Not seeming concerned
And when Chris arrived
Just by his presence
He got back our power
Using just his essence
And now we are here
in awe of his might
For he shall be called
The bringer of light


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