You're the Worst 5.6: "This Brief Fermata"
Chris: For all the positive steps Jimmy may have taken,and Gretchen for that matter, they still tend to fall into their same traps. This episode harks back to season one when Jimmy and Gretchen were obsessed with being even when it comes to sexual partners outside of their relationship. However, Jimmy exploits that mindset when he knows he messed up and thought he could get away with it if he can get Gretchen to get even. Also, This Brief Fermata very much felt like the writers went "oh man, we can say the f-word now" and did so to an almost annoying extent. I've never been one to care about strong language but this episode felt like a kid who is away from their parents for the weekend and wants to cram as much swearing in as they can. Alexa: Remember when I said Jimmy is the responsible one now? Yeah, I take that back. After some significant character growth, he takes several big steps back this episode. If he just owned up to Gretchen about the blowjob from t...