Movie of the Week: Lion
Alexa: I straight-up ugly cried as the credits started rolling, so “Lion” clearly resonated with me. Sometimes truth provides a more inspiring story than any fiction, and this movie is a prime example of that. I knew little of Saroo’s story going into it, and from the opening scenes I was firmly invested in his journey. I give major kudos to Sunny Pawar, the young actor who plays Saroo as a child, for carrying nearly half the film. So many stories based on true events hop back and forth between past and present as a framing device, so it was refreshing to see Lion actually take a more linear approach. But consequently, it’s up to Pawar to hook the audience and ensure they care about this remarkable young man, and he’s more than up to the challenge. Dev Patel seamlessly transitions into the role as Saroo enters adulthood and delivers an outstanding performance in his own right. “Lion” is harrowing and heartfelt without beating you over the head with its message of love and per...