Movie of the Week: The Christmas Prince - A Royal Wedding

Alexa: I will freely admit that Netflix’s “A Christmas Prince” is objectively a bad movie, but it is perfect for those of us looking for some pure holiday cheese. It has just the right blend of Christmas magic, royal scandal, the picturesque scenery of fake European countries, and absurdly rushed romance. Naturally, I was hoping for more of the same with “A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding,” but I was pretty disappointed! Naturally with a title that includes the words “Royal Wedding” I was expecting just that - some fabulous royal wedding planning with plenty of drama. But the wedding was almost the subplot of a movie about this England/Switzerland hybrid country’s financial collapse and the corruption that led to it. Naturally Amber, perhaps one of the world’s least experienced investigative journalists, uncovers the truth with her extensive note taking (i.e. writing the word “Fishy?” in her untouched reporter’s notebook) and Princess Emily’s random hacking skills. And p...