Movie of the Week: Tropic Thunder
Alexa: I was all about “Tropic Thunder” when I first saw it in college, and I’m happy to report that nearly 10 (!) years after its release, the movie holds up. Sure, the Tivo joke is a bit dated, but its biting critique of Hollywood is as on-point as ever. “Tropic Thunder” was released in the middle of a heyday for R-rated comedies (think “Knocked Up,” “Superbad,” “The Hangover”), but it cranks the genre up to 11, so to speak, by incorporating ample action and satire. The cast is replete with Hollywood archetypes, from the troubled comedy star looking for a comeback to the rapper-turned-actor who just wants to be taken seriously, but the movie humanizes them beyond that superficial layer. Perhaps the film’s greatest punch line is the fact that Robert Downey Jr. actually received an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of an ambitious white method actor who darkens his skin to play the platoon’s black sergeant. It seems Hollywood wasn’t in on the joke about the lengths self-seri...