The Great West Wing Rewatch: 7.14 "Two Weeks Out"
Chris: Being on the campaign trail for this long, it's understandable that it takes it's toll on the candidates but it never would've crossed my mind the toll it would take on your hand from all the handshaking. And to follow up on what I said about the Santos campaign being unable to capitalize on their momentum, we get it again when Santos goes full force in California at the last minute only for Vinick to come up with a strategy that steals from Santos' California media day. Again, this is of no fault of anyone in the Santos campaign and it's not even from bad luck, it's due to Vinick making a good chess move to stop the momentum leak had been experiencing and find a way to move beyond the nuclear leak. Also, with the briefcase, the scandal that Bruno stumbles upon sets up the entire episode to make the audience see Santos is a different, negative light only for it to backfire and cause the audience to see Vinick in a negative light for making the assump...